Category Archives: news

Missing in Action – A song about NO HELP in the face of brutality

Missing in Action - New song =- May 2024

MISSING IN ACTION: Aussie hard rock crankers Suburbiasuburbia, announce the release of their latest single. In a 4-to-the-floor rubble-buster, MIA rattles-the-cage  . . . below are some testimonials  . . . instead of believing any well manicured propaganda  . . . have a listen and make up your own mind. Suburbiasuburbia is Tony Townsend – […]

Down Tools – A song about leaving for good

Down Tools - Song by Suburbiasuburbia

DOWN TOOLS: Aussie hard rockers Suburbiasuburbia, announce the release of their latest single. In this rampage it’s time to say goodbye to the control freak boss for good  . . . have a listen and make up your own mind. Suburbiasuburbia is Tony Townsend – lead vocals, Alan Lyon – Harmonica, Steve King – Bass, […]

Who in Australian Cricket needs to go?

When Bancroft “the patsy” sand-papered the ball he destroyed a 100 years of sporting pedigree but did he foresee the individual human impact as he drove the evidence into his crutch-guard. The sordid mix of off-field sledging – on-field spite and hatred for the South African accent will result in erstwhile heros being consigned to an […]

Iconic restaurant caught up in punter-scam

. . Burpengary man – last seen at the “El Ranch” Lawn Mowing service is linked to the SCALPING of night-out dining tickets at one of Brisbane’s iconic restaurants. Around 180 people from Brisbane’s northern-belt have purchased the tickets for Friday and Saturday nights overlooking the picturesque west bank. One of the hood-winked – Gary […]

A man questioned over attracting too many flies.

A man questioned over attracting too many flies. Police arrived at an address in outter Sydney looking for the owner of a massive backyard compost enterprise. Neighbours sited a tempest of Large Flies hovering over their area most times of the day. The owner reportedly stated “he was turning the block into a full size market-garden […]

ON THE BROOM – Wages set to stagnate for 3 generations

Lowly paid workers internationally now out number cars on the road – a Suburb in THE HUNTER REGION boasts that 3 out of 4 people on the electoral roll – SWEEP FOR A LIVING. With that said – KEVIN from inner-Cessnock had HAD ENOUGH . . .   “ON THE BROOM” – 04:16 ————————————————————— On […]

POKIES Profit Syndicate discovered

A syndicate which has mastered away to counter the ODDS offered by the Pokie machines which operate in malignant proportions across the Australian hospitality landscape – has been linked to this BUNKER in city Brisbane. Roy X representing the clandestine group, maintains the pokie-beating tactics are the direct result of hours spent on a competition […]

Car jacking payback in south east

Found blue behind the wheel of his car – a man in Melbourne’s South East had a kilo of corn-chips stuffed into his mouth and gaffa tape wrapped from forehead to chin when found in a take-away parking lot 24 hours after being deceased. Authorities – scratching their heads that a day of hamburger – […]