Category Archives: Lifestyle

Properties in Sydney’s elite Balmain now uninsurable under the weight of unrelenting rain.

The Suburban Spectator ( by Suburbiasuburbia )

The Spectator sent senior investigator Kevin down to talk to a number of smug baby boomer residents about foundation subsidence. Sergio Revista – a retired meatball importer, told us his $10 million riverside bungalow was in danger of lurching into the river with sodden foundations and an arcane drainage system. A negligent council was the […]

Bluesfest 2018 – the Artists AND the dunnies

Last Friday we went straight into the bowels of Bluesfest 2018 at Tyagarah Tea Tree Farm ready for LIFESTYLE. A ready-for-action refreshment area with all the reality of a bar had us seated ready to wind into a FULL PROGRAM. After a mixture of KRAFT BEERS i needed a long piss. After entering the toilet […]

Lights Go Out For Australian Christian Grand Prix

As the Grand Prix glitterati prepare to descend upon Albert Park for yet another weekend of lukewarm Mumm and exorbitantly priced plastic bags, spare a thought for a God fearing, failed Aussie entrepreneur, writes Gillon Edwards Staff Writer. Reg Peterson is a broken man, living close to the poverty line. A devout Christian of blended […]

A million dollars found in ACDC Lane

A chance photo of an image in ACDC Lane Melbourne Australia has resulted in an Ice addict from Ballarat – almost achieving a $1,000,000 windfall from a mysterious benefactor. The addict known as Clifton X – was staggering towards a hookup through ACDC Lne and took an accidental photo with his only possession of some […]